Veda songs of praise sama veda
Veda songs of praise sama veda

The Rig-Vedic 'samhita' (collection of mantras) consists of 1,017 'suktas' (hymns) divided into eight 'ashtakas' (songs) each having eight 'adhyayas' (sections), which are sub-divided into various groups with a total of about 10,600 stanzas.

veda songs of praise sama veda

Even though some of the hymns of Rig Veda characterize monotheism (belief in the existence of one god), naturalistic polytheism (belief in more than one god,) and monism (belief of different paths to the one god), in general, can be found in the hymns of Rig Veda. It is the oldest book in any Indo-European language and contains the earliest form of all Sanskrit mantras. The Rig Veda is a collection of brilliant songs or hymns and is a main source of information in detail on the social, religious, political and economic background of the Rig-Vedic civilization. THE FOUR VEDAS The Rig Veda : The Book of Mantra The Sama Veda, Yajur Veda and Atharva Veda were compiled after the age of the Rig Veda and are ascribed to the Vedic period. Inspite of the controversy over the period of Rig Veda going on for long time, modern historians have now reached a consensus that its oldest parts were written around a 1200 B.C. The traditional date goes back to 3000BC, something which the German scholar Max Mueller accepted. Some scholars date the Rig Veda as early as 12000 B.C. The Rig Veda is said to be date back to 1500 B.C. However it is believed that it is in 1200 B.C., when the first Aryan immigrants in India started composing the various hymns that are part of the books.

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Historians provide us many guesses but none of them is free from ambiguity. As the ancient Hindus seldom kept any historical record of their religious, literary and political realization it is indeed difficult to precisely say when the earliest portions of the Vedas came into existence and what is their period. The Vedas are probably the earliest documents of the human mind. are based upon Vedic doctrines and they are being followed from time immemorial. All the rituals of Hindus conducted upon birth, marriage, death etc.

veda songs of praise sama veda

The essence of the Vedas is to regulate the social, legal, domestic and religious customs of the Hindus which is meticulously pursued to the present day. The word Veda means wisdom, knowledge or vision, and it is revered as the language of the gods in human speech. Vedic literature with its philosophical maxims has stood the test of time and is the highest religious authority for all sections of Hindus in particular and for mankind in general. Vedas are the treasure troves containing spiritual knowledge encompassing all aspects of our life. What they also reflect is a startlingly vivid picture of life. They were meant to be mantras (incantations) in praise of various Aryan gods, it being the age when the Aryans were finding their feet in India. It is the most sacred scriptures of India. The Vedas are considered the earliest literary record of Indo-Aryan civilization.

Veda songs of praise sama veda